Probiotic Vaginal Yeast

The vicious cycle of UTIs, Yeast and other Vaginal Infections

BV vs. UTIs and Yeast Infections

The material provided below is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the diagnosis or treatment by a qualified healthcare professional. You should always seek medical advice before consuming any new medicines or supplements. AZO products referenced on this website are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease such as overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, or vaginal infections.

What is the vaginal microbiome? 

We’ve all heard about our gut’s microbiome, but our vagina’s? You probably don’t even realize it, but it’s working overtime as your personal defensive armor against yeast infections, BV, UTIs and other things that make you feel…less than pleasant. Complex and dynamic, your vagina is host to millions of bacteria (Don’t worry—it’s perfectly natural, “good” bacteria!)

The Vaginal Microbiome is your vagina’s defensive armor against infection

Believe it or not—that’s a good thing! Vaginas are colonized predominantly with Lactobacillus, the beneficial bacteria feed off the sugar naturally present in the vagina. In return, they produce lactic acid in droves, helping your vagina sustain an ideal low pH— 3.8 – 4.5 according to medical experts. At this acidic pH, only certain types of bacteria and yeast can flourish—typically the “good” kind, like Lactobacilli. Rich in healthy bacteria, your vagina maintains harmonious balance. 

Falling out of balance

This delicate balance is easily disrupted by any number of factors that can trigger a disruption to vaginal microflora:

  • Sex
  • Semen
  • Menstruation
  • Harsh soaps and washes
  • Certain medications
  • Even stress
These triggers can create an environment where non-beneficial bacteria and yeast can grow and flourish throwing off your vagina’s balance and making it susceptible to infection.  

Sex, semen, menstruation, vaginal washes and wipes, certain medications, and even stress can trigger a disruption to vaginal microflora.

Yeast Infections & Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) 

Yeast Infections

About 75% of women will experience at least one vaginal yeast infection in their lifetime and almost half will have repeat infections.1 They occur with an overgrowth of candida, or yeast, in the vagina that’s typically kept in check by the “good” bacteria in healthy vaginal flora. 

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) 

Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection in women ages 15-44. In BV there is an overgrowth of certain bacteria causing an imbalance of the “good” and non-beneficial bacteria normally found in a woman’s vagina. 1

The Battle of UTI's, BV, and Yeast Infections

Though separate conditions, the nature of yeast infections and BV can often lead to a seemingly never-ending cycle between the two. Typically, it goes something like this: 

  1. Both a BV (bacterial vaginal infection) and a UTI (urinary tract infection), are often treated with antibiotics.
  2. The antibiotics kill off the infection…right along with all the “good” bacteria necessary for a healthy vaginal microbiome. 
  3. Without the “good” bacteria keeping balance in order, the yeast takes over triggering a yeast or vaginal infection. 
  4. The yeast or vaginal infection is treated, upsetting the vagina’s pH balance once again giving bacteria an opportunity for overgrowth. 
  5. And the cycle can continue until balance is restored. 

Restore Balance with Probiotics for Vaginal Health*

Luckily, now you can be proactive with your vaginal health. Probiotics for vaginal health like AZO Complete Feminine BalanceTMDaily Probiotic is powered with INTELLIFLORATM, a clinically-proven blend of four probiotic species.* INTELLIFLORATM uses the species most commonly found in a healthy vagina to replenish and colonize your vagina’s microflora.* Taken regularly, the probiotics help restore and maintain your vagina’s pH at an optimal level for ongoing vaginal health.*

If you’re in the thick of a vaginal infection, AZO Yeast® Plus helps relieve the uncomfortable symptoms associated with vaginal and yeast infections.‡‡ Of course, you’ll want to visit your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment, but AZO Yeast® Plus can help you find relief in the meantime.

Restore your Vaginal Microbiome for Urinary Health

Being proactive doesn’t stop at vaginal health. Probiotics for urinary health like AZO Dual Protection guards against unfriendly bacteria to help inhibit yeast and maintain a healthy pH so your microbiome remains healthy.

If you do find yourself with a urinary tract infection, AZO Urinary Pain Relief relieves pain, burning and urgency fast. It is specially formulated to go directly to the site of the UTI discomfort and provides relief right where it hurts, unlike general pain relievers. Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride is the #1 ingredient prescribed by doctors and recommended by pharmacists††† specifically for urinary discomfort.

1CDC Website

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