Vaginal Yeast

Can Sitting in Workout Clothes Lead to Yeast Infections?

Can Sitting in Workout Clothes Lead to Yeast Infections?

The material provided below is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the diagnosis or treatment by a qualified healthcare professional. You should always seek medical advice before consuming any new medicines or supplements. AZO products referenced on this website are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease such as overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, or vaginal infections.

You just got home from your run. It is hot outside and you really pushed yourself this time and that is amazing! You really have this whole “I’m a healthy rockstar” thing down, and that is actually pretty stellar. But here is the thing. You need to go change into dry clothes to help prevent a yeast infection; like right now.

You are tired and sweaty, true. When you just get home from your workout it is even kind of difficult to get the workout clothes off right away. And of course there is the whole thing about being practical and running errands on your way home from the gym. But doing this can increase your risk for a really frustrating health issue: yeast infections.


Yeast infections are fungal infections that develop in the vagina as a result of an imbalance of bacteria. Small amounts of yeast are always present in the vagina, and this is perfectly normal. However, when a fungus called Candida begins to grow and overpower other fungi in the vaginal area, the yeast can begin to grow as well.

It might not make sense that doing something so healthy like working out can actually increase your risk for a yeast infection, but that could be a possible cause, thanks to our anatomy and workout clothes. Yeast infections are able to thrive when you wear incredibly tight clothing. When that clothing gets moist the infection is at its strongest potential. Sit in that moist clothing for a while and you may get yourself in trouble1.

Wearing loose cut workout clothes is a great way to help prevent a yeast infection, but understandably this isn’t always an option when it comes to working out. Chafing is just as uncomfortable, if not as potentially dangerous. The best thing that you can do is limit how long you are in your workout clothes after you are done working out and keep your vaginal area clean.


  • Even if you aren’t wearing loose pants, try wearing loose cotton underwear. Wearing spandex underwear while working out can exacerbate yeast infections.
  • Change out of your workout clothes right away and don’t put on something too tight right after your workout. Change into loose cut shorts or sweats as you calm down. If you are going straight to work, consider trying dresses and skirts rather than skinny jeans.
  • When you are working out, take advantage of modern science and wear moisture wicking material1.
  • Avoiding chemical irritants like douches, strong soaps, scented toilet paper and even some laundry detergents can help prevent a yeast infection2.

Since you are already being so smart and proactive about your health by exercising, take it up another notch and be proactive about your vaginal health. Take AZO Complete Feminine Balance®, a clinically studied probiotic designed to help replenish the vagina’s natural balance of good bacteria. But if you find yourself with the symptoms of a vaginal or yeast infection, you may want to try AZO Yeast Plus. AZO Yeast Plus relieves symptoms associated with yeast and vaginal infections like itching, burning, and occasional discharge and odor. Or try AZO Boric Acid suppositories. They promote normal vaginal pH and help with bothersome odor. You should always see your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment as untreated infections can lead to more serious issues.

NOTE: AZO Yeast Plus or AZO Boric Acid will not prevent a yeast infection.