AZO® Products Presents: Owning Your Sexual Health​

Let's face it: talking about sexual health can be awkward, but it shouldn't be. ​

That's why we're creating custom-designed social media artwork and printable posters to celebrate and educate during Sexual Health Month. These resources aren't just for decoration—they're tools to empower us all to be informed and proactive about our intimate health. By spreading awareness, we can help break down the stigma and make sure everyone has the information they need. After all, knowledge is power, and being informed about our bodies is essential to our overall well-being.  ​

From Silence to Strength

Your body is always sending you signals. Got a weird feeling or something seems off? Don’t ignore it! Whether it’s an itch, discomfort, or just a vibe that something’s not right, your body’s trying to tell you what’s up. And sis, you deserve to feel good and confident all the time.​

Your Teammates Matter​

Let’s talk about relationships. Being with someone means sharing everything, including your thoughts on intimate health. Casual or committed, don’t be afraid to bring up topics like sexual health, boundaries, or any worries you have. Communication is key, and a solid partner will always respect and support your choices. Remember, it’s about trust and honesty.​

Doctors are allies, not critics. ​

An important part of your team is your doctor and going to the doctor can be a bit nerve-wracking… But remember, they’re there to help, not judge. If something feels off, make that appointment. And when you’re there, speak up! Don’t downplay your symptoms or feel embarrassed - your health is priority number one. And if the vibe’s not right or you’re not feeling heard, it’s totally okay to get a second opinion. Your body, your rules!

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Destigmatizing Sex Talk: Your Voice Matters

Did you know that the word “hysteria” actually comes from the Greek word for uterus? Seriously, back in the day, if a woman’s emotions were deemed out of control, they’d slap her with a hysteria diagnosis and sometimes even lock her away. Crazy, right? It wasn’t until 1980 that the term got dropped from medical use. We’ve come a long way since then in making women’s health topics less taboo, but let’s be real - words like vagina, menopause, menstruation, uterus, and UTI are still treated like they’re dirty or that we should be embarrassed to talk about them openly.​

We need to change that. We absolutely DESERVE to change that. Stigmatizing these terms can lead to downplaying real health issues, causing misunderstandings, and just generally making it harder to get the support we need. So, let’s be clear: VAGINA is NOT a DIRTY WORD.

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The Importance of the Vaginal Microbiome & How It Works

Alright, girlies, let's talk about keeping things fresh and healthy down there! Your vaginal health is super important, and lactobacilli are like your go-to crew helping to keep things in check. “They do three main things: stop other bacteria from growing, help maintain a healthy immune response, and release good stuff like lactic acid to help keep a balanced pH.” says our expert Dr. Kira Halak, ND, Director, Global Research and Development at AZO® Products. ​

​Baddies Keeping Unfriendly Bacteria at Bay ​

Having a healthy mix of bacteria (aka the vaginal microbiota) is key for keeping your pH levels where they should be (slightly acidic, between 3.8-4.5) and stopping the nasty bacteria from taking over. But sometimes the balance can get thrown off, and that’s when things like occasional intimate health issues can happen. Stress, diet, hormones and you guessed it… even SEX can mess with the vibe down there, leading to vaginal issues or even bacterial or yeast infections.​

But don't worry, probiotics can help keep things in check! The right ones, those that are clinically supported so you know it will help where it’s needed, can help you maintain or get back to that natural balance. As a matter of fact, adding clinically proven women’s probiotic to antifungal therapy reduces reoccurrence of yeast infections by 66%! However, many women’s supplements are not backed by science or designed for a woman’s unique needs so it’s important to understand how to look for the right product and the best way to do that, is to look at the science! ​

For example, INTELLIFLORA™ blend - the star of AZO® Complete Feminine Balance - is packed with the major players you need – Four Lactobacilli strains, clinically proven to have vaginal health benefits.*  These helps keep yeast and bacteria in check and help support overall vaginal health.* ​

So, if you need a little extra support, there's a probiotic for that!* And hey, always chat with your doctor to figure out what's best for you!

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Real Advice from the Experts at AZO® Products

Your vagina is like a self-cleaning oven, but it can be thrown off by things like douching, certain soaps, and even tight, sweaty, or wet clothing. It’s important to understand how to maintain your intimate health properly. Here are some essential tips:​​

  1. Avoid Douching and Harsh Soaps: “Douching and using harsh, scented soaps can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria and moisture, leading to irritation or infection.” Explains Dr. Kira Halak, ND, “Stick to gentle, fragrance-free cleansers when washing the external area of the vagina (the vulva) to avoid stripping away protective oils and optimize your vaginal microbiome.” Moreover, intimate washes are linked with a 3.5 x higher risk of bacterial infection, and a 2.5 x higher risk of UTIs! (Crann 2018)​
  2. Choose Breathable Clothing: Wearing tight, non-breathable clothing, especially if it’s sweaty or wet, can create a moist environment that encourages bacterial growth. Opt for loose-fitting clothes made of breathable fabrics like cotton, and avoid staying in damp clothing for long periods.​
  3. Pee Before and After Sex: Urinating before and after sexual activity can help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) by flushing out bacteria that may have been introduced during intercourse. This simple habit can significantly reduce the risk of developing UTIs.​
  4. Consider Probiotics: Incorporating probiotics into your diet that are specifically designed for vaginal health support, like AZO® Complete Feminine Balance or AZO® Dual Protection can help maintain a healthy balance of natural flora.* Probiotics can support the presence of beneficial bacteria in the vagina.​
  5. Stay Hydrated and Eat a Balanced Diet: Staying hydrated and consuming a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can support your overall and intimate health.​
  6. Communicate and Consult: If you experience any symptoms or discomfort, don’t hesitate to consult with a healthcare professional!​

By following these tips, you can support your body’s natural ability to maintain a healthy and balanced intimate environment. Remember, simple changes in your daily habits can make a significant difference in your overall intimate health.  

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That’s a wrap… But first…

Why is intimate health so crucial? Well, it’s not just about avoiding intimate health issues (though that is a big part of it.) It’s also about feeling confident, comfortable, and like the best version of yourself!​

So there you have it, ladies. Intimate health is all about understanding your body, taking care of it, and not being afraid to speak up. We have come a long way from ancient Egyptian papyrus tampons and the bulky sanitary belts your grandmas wore – So let’s keep moving forward together! This Sexual Health Month, remove the taboos and focus on being the best version of YOU.

Download and share our customized Sexual Health Month artwork! Your post may just be the reminder your mom, sister, daughter, aunt, bestie or YOU needs to prioritize your intimate health!

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